Thursday, January 14, 2010

What does Paper Saving Software do?

Someone recently looked at this blog and told me they'd like to get a better idea of what we do. I think that's a great request, so here's my reply:

In brief, our software sits on a server and waits for a person or application (say, an invoice printing request, a pick ticket printing request or even a check printing run) to submit a print request. Our software accepts that print request, analyzes the characteristics of it (i.e. number of pages, number of copies etc.) and then applies paper saving features based on rules that are set up in our software. So, in general, people don't have to remember to make paper saving decisions when they hit 'print', our software enforces the paper saving rules automatically.

The features include:

Converting Print to PDF: AXIAR Green automatically creates and stores PDF documents for portable online document delivery and viewing. This is more useful for large batch print jobs, not necessarily PC-based PDF creation. Think of tax bills or utility bills created by government sites.

Automatic Enforcing of Draft Print Mode: Users can create an AXIAR Green virtual printer that automatically sets print quality to draft mode, reducing the amount of toner consumed by up to 30% with each print.

Printing Duplex (two-sided): AXIAR Green can be configured to automatically duplex print output, potentially reducing paper use by 50%.

Distributing Digital Documents: After using AXIAR Green to create digital output (typically PDF), AXIAR can also automatically distribute digital documents to employees, customers and vendors, which eliminates the cost and environmental impact of transporting paper documents.

Green Print Routing: AXIAR Green can be configured to intelligently determine the most cost-efficient printer based on resource use. This ensures that the environmental effect of printing is kept to a minimum when information must be paper-based.

Digital Forms: AXIAR Green enables laser form printing on blank paper, eliminating the need for pre-printed forms which are often reduced to scrap paper due to misalignment, form changes and damage to stored forms.

Reduce Personal Print: AXIAR Green can be used to encourage responsible use of print resources by tracking employee use. In addition, AXIAR Green can generate statistics for auditing and securing print streams through encryption to ensure the proper use of print resources.

There are many other features and benefits to using AXIAR Paper Saving Software. Please contact me any time, read the 'Green Paper' available on this blog and check out to learn more.

1 comment:

  1. This is great, more people should know about this
